Barkley Square Civic Club
Barkley Square Civic Club
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Architectural Control Committee
The Deed Restrictions, Section 2.0, establishes the Committee and specifies that no changes or additions may be made to any structure without the prior written consent of the Committee. The Committee shall be composed of not less than three (3), nor more than five (5) lot owners within the Subdivision, duly elected annually by a majority vote of the members of the Barkley Square South Homeowners Association present at the general business meeting. The role of the committee is to interpret and apply the restrictions cited in the Deed Restrictions, as may be amended from time to time, and supplemented by such policies as may be adopted by the organization.
Swimming Pool Committee
Established in the By Laws, Article V, the committee is charged with the operation and maintenance of the community pool.
Legal and Finance Committee
Established in the By Laws, Article V,  The principal responsibility of the committee is to act as part of the financial control system of the association. As such, the committee is responsible for picking up the mail to the organization and creating a record of correspondence, specifically including all financial information, such as checks submitted in payment of dues, bills to be paid, official notices to the organization, etc. The mail received and logged is then delivered to the appropriate party within the organization, for example, checks to the Treasurer for deposit.
Security Liaison
Established under the authority of the President, the committee maintains contact with the security patrol provided by the Harris County Constables Office, Precinct 5, and informs the residents of the community of security issues.
Nominating Committee
Established in the By Laws, appointed by the President, with five members, two from the board and three from the membership. The nominating Committee shall present a slate of Officers at the final meeting of the calendar year as set by the Board. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Committee emails:
Go to Contact Us to send an email to the Architectural, Security, or Pool Committee.




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