This page provides an index to all documents and forms available through the Barkley Square Civic Club website. Most files are provided in a PDF format, making them available to be read with Adobe Reader. To open a file, just click on the link to the file you want below. It should open in your browser, from which point you can choose to save a copy to your computer if you like.
- Precinct 5 Constable Vacation Watch
- Welcome to Barkley Square, This is a printable form that can be used to distribute to residents who do not use a computer.
- Architecture Committee Filing, there is no specific form for applying for approvals. Applicants can find more information HERE to send a request to the Architecture Committee. Drawings can also be attached to the request.
- Violation Notice, This form is used to notify residents of violations of the Deed Restrictions that warrant attention. It is for use by Board Members/Street Directors to help protect the quality of the neighborhood for all residents.
2024 Board and HOA Meeting Minutes
2023 Board and HOA Meeting Minutes
2022 Board and HOA Meeting Minutes
2021 Board and HOA Meeting Minutes
2020 Board and HOA Meeting Minutes
- Board Minutes, October 22, 2020
- HOA Minutes, August 6, 2020
- Treasurer's Report, July 15, 2020
- HOA Minutes, May 21, 2020
- Treasurer's Report, May 4, 2020
- HOA Minutes, February 20, 2020
- Treasurer's Report, February 20, 2020
- Board Minutes, January 30, 2020
Minutes of meetings prior to 2019 are available in our Document Archive.
HOA Documents
Information from our Constables
Other Information of Interest
- The City of Houston has created a new "Super Map" tool which may be of interest. It is complicated to use, but has a few interesting features. Click here to try it, and let us know if you find useful elements that might be of interest to your neighbors!
- COH Public Works has provided a LIDAR map showing locations of likely flooding within our neighborhood. It can be a little hard to read, but by enlarging it on your screen, you should see markings on the streets reflecting the prospect of flooding.
- Public Hearing Notice re: replatting of Marilyn Estates tract
- Flood Plain Map with Conveyance There is something called a Flood Education Mapping Tool available on this link.
- NEW Flood Plain Map (Read about it here on the Chronicle website. Tell the Chronicle what you think!)
- Aerial Photos
- Flood Insurance Rate Map (National Flood Insurance Program, rev. 6/18/07) This page contains a map showing the area covered by the flood plain so one can see what streets and areas fall within that designation.
- City of Houston, GIMS map
- Security Contract, Harris County Constables
- Heavy Trash Schedule (changed 2012)
- Solid Waste Maps
- Map to Westpark Recycling Center Information Page
- ESC's - Two locations are available to accept Household Hazardous Waste and other materials such as Batteries, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze and electronic waste at no additional charge to City of Houston residents. (Limited hours, check before you go!)
Additional Documents
We will be adding more documents to this page as we continue to build this website.
If there are documents not shown that you would like to see added to the website for easy viewing, please send us your suggestion through the Contact Us form on this site. Choose the "Webmaster" address from the dropdown field at the top of the form, then provide the other information on the form. Pay special attention to getting your email address entered correctly so we may reach you with any questions that we may have about your suggestion. It would be a good idea to also give us your phone number in the message field.